Friday, May 9, 2008

Just My Opinion

I really feel like I need to get this out in the open, because I know a lot of people will agree with me on this topic. The topic is capital punishment. Many people find it unjust to use capital punishment, but I bet there are a few people in this country that are completely against capital punishment, that would agree to use it on a guy like Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer.

Capital Punishment is to be put to death for the crime in which you have been committed of doing, also known as the Death Penalty. Now some people see it as an unjustified act upon a human being, but wasn't their act upon another human being unjust too? My mother always said that two wrongs don't make a right, but if your father, mother, daughter, son, or best friend, had been brutally slain by one of these murderers, would you truly object to their death. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Now through the government there are a only a few methods that one can be put to death. They can be hanged, electrocuted, decapitated, lethal injection, firing squad, and the gas chamber. Of course, some of these methods are used in other countries but not here in the United States. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2007, 42 inmates were executed. All 42 were men and executed by lethal injection, except one who was put to death by the electric chair.

As of May 2008, 36 states hold the Death Penalty and 14 are without it and that is including the District of Columbia.

Tuition Increases, Hope Decreases

Here is a story for everyone who goes to a college or university in Kentucky. It seems like tuition is going to increase, but it will only be a small increase. But with this small increase means that community colleges may have programs cut as well. According to KCTCS President Michael McCall, "will cause the system to reduce enrollment next year from 92,000 students to 86,000 students". Also on top of that they may have to layoff some of the teachers and also cut back on some low-demand programs.

All across the state there will be increases at some of Kentucky's best schools. For the ones that go to Northern Kentucky University, they seem to be hit the hardest with a 9.68% increase. For around this region increases are pretty high as well. At University of Kentucky a 9 percent increase, Eastern Kentucky University a 7 percent increase, and at Morehead State University a 7.4 percent increase. I did a little calculating of my own account and it looks like it will be an extra $400 next year for my tuition. That is a lot of money that somehow I am going to have to pay.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Gas Tax: Good or Bad

Gas prices are so high now a days, nobody wants to drive at all. I know with my life trying to drive around to do everything I have to do, it costs me an arm and a leg. Some of the candidates are coming up with a gas tax suspension. During the summer, the gas tax will be suspended so then maybe we can get a few extra dollars in our pockets. But is it really a good idea?
Senator John McCain and Senator Hillary Clinton, believes the gas tax holiday is a great idea. They believe it will help everyone since the gas prices are almost $4 a gallon. But many oppose this idea because they say that saving 18.4 cents in gas is not worth going through all the trouble because it's just not enough money that they are saving.
Senator Barrack Obama is not in favor of the gas tax suspension. He says that it is a "political gimmick". With Obama giving his opinion on the suspension, how will it effect Senator Clinton's campaign and her votes? Clinton gave him the opportunity to bash the idea of the gas tax suspension because Obama knows how to feed off the voter's feelings and worries. Obama stepped in and knew exactly what to say to get people on his side and to vote for him in their state's primary.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Clinton Staying in the Race

Even though it looks as if Clinton may not win the race, she says, "I’m staying in this race until there is a nominee, and obviously I’m going to work as hard as I can to become that nominee". Clinton hit a rough patch on the campaign road. Clinton barely won Indiana and had a major loss in North Carolina to Senator Barack Obama. Clinton is planning on giving more money toward her campaign. She believes this might help her along the last bit of the campaign trail. Clinton also wants to suspend the gas tax this summer. But is it really going to help the taxpayers any? They plan to let gas prices go down a little this summer, hopefully putting some money back in our pockets. On the other hand, after the suspension the gas tax will go right back up again, and we will be right back where we were. Senator Clinton has some important dates coming up in the next following weeks. She plans to visit West Virginia, South Dakota, and Oregon.

Drugs in School

The High school I went to, I could have asked a number of people where to get illegal drugs at. And all of them would have told me two or three places to go. That is pretty sad to hear. I never dealt in drugs and nor should anybody. Data shows that high school drug use is increasing at an alarming rate. In Michigan 2006, 84.9% of high school seniors reported that it was fairly easy to get marijuana. According to KRS 158.150 Part B, says what the school must do if a student is caught with alcohol or drugs on school property. Every school must follow these rules that are in Kentucky. A lot of government officials are against drugs in school, and I know the government has done alot to try to help with this growing problem in schools, but I feel like they could do so much more. For more information check out this website

Polygamist Ranch

The case with the Polygamist Ranch in Texas just keeps getting worse and worse. I feel sorry for the mothers there because their children were taken away but letting their daughters marry men three times their age is ridiculous. One of the ways with the Zion ranch is that they believe in marriage at young ages, but with each state you have different ages at which you can marry with parental consent. In Texas the age is 16. They have to have parental consent or a judge's ruling. Also if they are younger than 16 but have parental consent and a judge's permission, cannot be any younger than 14 for males and 13 for females. According the law they are in the right, but forcing them into marriage and sexual activity is wrong. Some of the teenage girls had already had children or are pregnant. By Texas Law, a person cannot give consent to sex with an adult while under the age of 17 and also under state law, they were not legally married to begin with.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Democrats Battle It Out

A lot of people are wondering who really is going to do what they say? For me, I really don't know who will. Hilary seems to be winning at the moment but can she pull in North Carolina and Indiana? Clinton made some good points at Fort Wayne and Obama made some at Elkhart.

Sometimes I think that many people take advantage of the disadvantages of a candidate. They use all the bad images to create a whole new image of their candidate. Democrats are battling it out until the end. Clinton proposes a new tax cut that will help out just the middle class. But what about the lower class citizens. The ones who don't know what to do but know they need money. Like Obama said, people can't go out and look for jobs because they can't afford to fill up their gas tanks.

Another thing, a lot of people are using his past against him. What can he do? He is only one man. But to me that man can't stand and salute our American Flag, but he can stand there and use is first amendment. Well if it wasn't for our forefathers he would have never been able to use that freedom like he can today.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Prison Systems

In most prisons around the United States are overcrowded and even past that point. These problems are costing a single state over $1 million dollars.

To a lot of people there are certain reasons for people to be put in prison and ones who need other help. There are people who need to be locked up, especially ones that have been convicted of murder, rape, and higher felonies. The ones who are in there for drug trafficing and possession really don't need to be in there. The first time offenders for possession or trafficing need mental and physical help. These people need to be put in to rehabilitation centers, so they can get the help they need to go straight. If we keep putting these people in prison they are not learning anything. My father worked in a county jail for eight years of his life. He always told me "that some of these people, this would be the only home they'll ever know". That is pretty sad to hear, but we can do something about it.

We need to get them help whether it be rehab, or counseling. Also we are going to have to have help from local and state government officials. One for example is the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenneger, is planning to release 700 inmates by December. All of the prisoners are non-violent offenders and by releasing them it is going to save California over $1 million dollars.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Clinton's Daughter On The Campaign Trail

It looks like Chelsea Clinton has changed her ways and is now following in her mother's footsteps. Of course Hillary Clinton is spending her time campaigning to everyone in the United States, but Chelsea is speaking to a group of people that need to have their voices heard.
Chelsea Clinton, is 28, and going along on the campaign trail to speak to college students and ask them about the issues they are concerned with. She recently visited UK and had a great turn out. Some of the students asked about immigration reform and veteran's rights. Another big issue that the students were wondering about was what was her mother going to do about the affordability of college. H. Clinton plans on "restoring federal lending for student loans, increasing Pell Grants and forgiving student loans for people who enter public service jobs such as teaching or public health positions". Also she plans on not using FAFSA(Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and start using a check box on tax forms. The check box would determine how much federal aid a student could get.
Overall the effect of the rally was great. It helped students, just like me, to get their points of views and interests across. Who knows we may be seeing Chelsea around more often and could she maybe be a future presidential candidate?

Monday, March 31, 2008

War of Money and Lives

War. What do you say about it? It's hard, it's scary, and it will lead us straight to debt. Well it already has. The United States, according to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Senate, said that our debt "had already hit $1.3 trillion and would top $2.8 trillion by 2017". Now that was back in November 2007. I have a cousin over in Iraq right now. He has been over there since last May, and to me $1.3 trillion dollars that they are spending to keep everything running over there just doesn't add up to what he is worth to me. We have already lost over 4000 men and women, and the longer we are over there the higher that number is going to be. Another point to what will happen if we stay in this war, is our economy is going to keep getting in more debt than it already is and that means the ones who are living here are going to have to pay for it. They are going to increase taxes, increase gas prices, and increase every little thing in this country. We have set ourselves up for a disaster and we have been doing that since 2003. This war may have started out about the terrorist attacks on the U.S., but now it means so much more and it is being fought for some wrong reasons.

Another thing, people thought going to war with Iraq would be quick and over easy. But the way Bush was talking back in 2007, this could possibly end up being World War III.

Again remind me why the U.S. voted him President, the person in charge of keeping us all safe?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Social Security(People Need Money to Survive)!

Everyone needs money to survive. I really don't like the idea we have to have money to live, but the way that the world is today, well the United States, we have to have these green bills to support us, our children, and our grandchildren. The president is supposed to be making plans for social security to make it better and more efficient. Some statistics show that later on in the future that those benefits that people have worked hard for will be cut heavily and drastically. I know President Bush said he would not change the benefits for people born before 1950 but what about my father and mother who were born in the 60's, what about me and my boyfriend we were born in 1988, what are we going to have to deal with? I mean really he said he's going to help well how is cutting our benefits and making taxes higher going to help us any?