Monday, March 31, 2008

War of Money and Lives

War. What do you say about it? It's hard, it's scary, and it will lead us straight to debt. Well it already has. The United States, according to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Senate, said that our debt "had already hit $1.3 trillion and would top $2.8 trillion by 2017". Now that was back in November 2007. I have a cousin over in Iraq right now. He has been over there since last May, and to me $1.3 trillion dollars that they are spending to keep everything running over there just doesn't add up to what he is worth to me. We have already lost over 4000 men and women, and the longer we are over there the higher that number is going to be. Another point to what will happen if we stay in this war, is our economy is going to keep getting in more debt than it already is and that means the ones who are living here are going to have to pay for it. They are going to increase taxes, increase gas prices, and increase every little thing in this country. We have set ourselves up for a disaster and we have been doing that since 2003. This war may have started out about the terrorist attacks on the U.S., but now it means so much more and it is being fought for some wrong reasons.

Another thing, people thought going to war with Iraq would be quick and over easy. But the way Bush was talking back in 2007, this could possibly end up being World War III.

Again remind me why the U.S. voted him President, the person in charge of keeping us all safe?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Social Security(People Need Money to Survive)!

Everyone needs money to survive. I really don't like the idea we have to have money to live, but the way that the world is today, well the United States, we have to have these green bills to support us, our children, and our grandchildren. The president is supposed to be making plans for social security to make it better and more efficient. Some statistics show that later on in the future that those benefits that people have worked hard for will be cut heavily and drastically. I know President Bush said he would not change the benefits for people born before 1950 but what about my father and mother who were born in the 60's, what about me and my boyfriend we were born in 1988, what are we going to have to deal with? I mean really he said he's going to help well how is cutting our benefits and making taxes higher going to help us any?